Monday, April 8, 2013

The Day Has Come , We At !

* hha , the day has come , it time to have fun .
* theres some pic 4 u all ;)

we all at sri pentas ;)

in front of studio ;)

with prem mr DJ ;)

Trip To ??

*  hhu , no longer i join the English club , my lecturer said about want to having trip to
* sounds good ;)
* cant wait 4 the date .
* at least i dont traped in the politechnic , stress T.T
* wait 4 da pic , dun jealous fren ;p

PMS English Club .

* hey guys , im join english club at my politechnic .
* at the begin , i think this club is just normal club .
* but now , i feel awesome and proud to be member of this club .
* meet new friend , meet new awesome lecturer and many more .
* also give me a sweet memories .
* thanks English Club ;)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Horrendous Hibernation \m/

- ini band baru aku .
- kalau dulu aku main indie , skrang aku main HARDCORE .
- harap lebih success pada masa akan datang .

paan as screamo .

wan as vokal .

amier as 1st guitar .

me as 2nd guitar .

kimi as bass .

- ini lah serba sedikit gambar kitorang .
- nk tengok lg banyak bole like kami di facebook .
- like jgan x like , ill hit u back ;)


ad apply politeknik x ?

second intake now ;)

- hho , tiba dh musim second intake ipt2 .
- so siapa2 yg ad apply mn2 ipt tu da bole check dpt atau x .
- lau da dpt tu da bole prepare .
- then , siapa yg ad apply politeknik , click icon bwh tu untuk redirect ke website KPT , check korang dapat atau x .
- siapa2 yang dapt sepoli dengan aku kita jumpa nanti k ;)

click icon bwh ni untuk redirect ;)

sayang DMA1 ;)

diploma mechanical automasi ;)

- hhu , ini pulak kisah kelas aku kat poli .
- kelas yang mengambil course kejuruteraan mekanikal automasi .
- syukur dapat msuk kelas ni , kawan2 best .
- sbenarnya ini kelas kedua aku , hhi .
- tp sumpah seronok dengan korang .
- thanks kawan2 ;')

tak pandai jangan nak memandai mandai ;p