Saturday, November 3, 2012

dead trigger \m/

- hhu , ni pulak game untuk gadget android .
- best layan game ni .
- game tembak zombie .
- so siapa2 yg bergadget android bole try game ni .
- aq ad sediakn icon bwh tu untuk korang explore sndri ;)

saat2 genting membunuh zombie ;p


click icon bwh ni untuk ecplore sendiri ;)

plant vs zombie ;p

- bebual pasal game pulak, teringat satu game ni .
- bg orang lain maybe x sronok tp bg aku best gila ;p
- mungkin diorang x try lg kot .
- so aku ad sediakan icon kt bwh tu tinggal clik dan kita explore sama2 ;)


saat2 sedang hebat bertarung ;p

click icon bwh ni untuk explore lebih lanjut ;)

kemayan city, johor bahru .

- ni lagi satu kisah misteri yg aku tau .
- sebuah shopping center yg pernah beroperasi dulu dan skrang dh x .
- kisahnya bila ad org singapore yang nmpak kemayan city ni msh beroperasi .
- so diorang pg laa beli belah .
- tp bila sampai rumah jaa duit diorang dh tukar jd daun , hhu ..

click icon bwh ni untuk tngok lg banyak gambar ;)

villa nabila, johor bahru .

- ni antara kisah2 misteri yg aku tau kt johor .
- villa yg diberi nama "VILLA NABILA" .
- villa ni pernah didiami oleh keluarga nabila .
- sampai laa satu tragedi dimana nabila dibunuh dan ditanam di dalam dinding villa tersebut sebelum emak nabila dibunuh bapanya .

pernah jugak nk msuk villa ni , tp x jd , sbb kalau mlm nmpak dr bwh mmng seram ;p

haa , time aku nk msuk tu smpai sini ja laa , kereta dh parking tp x trun2 , lastly reverse n blik -.-

boleh click icon kt bwh untk tngok lg bnyak gmbr ;)

no. 1 di billboard sekarang !

- selalu jugak survey website billboard .
- tengok2 ranking lagu .
- lagu ni no.1 skrang .
- aku ad sertakan download link skali .
- so kita lyn sama2 ;)

click icon bwh ni untuk download ;)

gangnam style ?

- semenjak 2 menjak ni lagu ni gila famous .
- best laa kot ;p
- so aq share download link skali so bole layan sama2 ;)

click icon bwh ni untuk download ;)

the song of the week ;)

- sebuah lagu dendangan "Rascal Flatts" bertajuk "What Hurt The Most"
- aku sertakan download link dengan lirik skli .
- kita layan sama2 ;)

"What Hurt The Most"

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don’t bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok
But that’s not what gets me

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin’ to do

It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I’m doin’ It
It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

Not seeing that loving you
That’s what I was trying to do

click icon kt bwh ni untuk download ;)